We are Orio Colour.

We make Innovation Through Colours.

Focussing on the supply of colour to three focused industry groups (Food, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical)

Orio Colour was originally founded in 2020 and has been part of the globe as the world’s leading manufacturer of synthetic colour for Food, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical industry. Orio Colour has a global distribution network which ensures that we can meet our customers’ demands no matter where they are in the world.

In spite of the many changes in the past years since the company’s conception, Orio Colour has maintained its core values throughout and to this day continues to look at ways of saving our customers time and money through improved processing and innovation. Orio Colour prides itself on being colour solution orientated, and through its bespoke blends can provide consistent quality, reliability and proven cost benefits when supplying Our Colours…Your requirement !


Industries we serve


Innovation through colours

Sharing knowledge of new processes and new colours that help our customers stay at the cutting edge of their industries. Orio Colour can produce an infinite number of shades in powder and liquid forms, as well as colours dispersed onto specific substrates. New vibrant colours & solutions to meet your needs and market trends!

To know more details about our colour solutions, Please click on below applications.

Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Colours

parallax background

Our Solutions for Our Customers

1Product awareness, design and legislation
Advice on improving your product design to get maximum performance and ensuring that you meet local and global requirements
2The right colour for the right application with the most powerful colouring power
Bespoke colour designed for you with our technical team. Right fineness of our products made in the factory. No streaking and specking in final products & reduce the complexity to use colours in your factory.
3Sampling & production trials
Aid in scaling up from lab to factory. Production optimisation and improvements.
4Blending Bespoke colours
In our colour laboratories we can create custom colours & specific shades to match your requirements. Colour/particle size controls and Micro testing are performed when required.
5Powder Compounding with your ingredients
Handling powders can sometimes cause contamination problems. We can blend the powdered colours with your primary ingredients to help solve this problem.
6Liquid Compounding with your ingredients
Handling liquids can sometimes cause dosing problems. Real Colour can blend the liquid colours with your primary ingredients to help solve this problem.
7Custom Requirements
Additional microbiological and analytical testing (such as heavy metals) can be carried out on any blends made, according to customer requirements.

Download Our Brochures for below focused industry groups

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